Tuesday, August 30, 2011

5 Ways Google Plus can Help Blogging Affiliate Marketing by Steve Scott

Google Plus (Google+) is Google’s latest attempt at social network.  It has become a hot talk on the internet (it accounted for 35% of tweeted news links in the week immediately after it’s launch in June 2011).
I like Google+ not only because it’s a great social networking service, but also since it’s an amazingly powerful tool for all bloggers and affiliate marketers.  In just a few days, it boosted the visitor count of one of my blogs and assisted me to prepare a niche marketing campaign I’m going to launch soon.
In this article I’ll show you all bloggers and affiliate marketers how you could benefit from Google+.  Before I introduce it, let’s have a look at some solid data.


Right below is the daily page view statistics of one of my blogs generated in WordPress.  This blog received a doubled page view count since 9 Jul.  The record was broken everyday.
Google+ Stat Increase
 The following box shows the top traffic sources of this blog on a typical day.  Google+ has been the number one referrer, amounting to over 10% of traffic every day.  These visitors are new to this blog.  They got to know this blog only because of Google+.
Google Plus Referrers

Affiliate Marketing

I have an affiliate marketing project in the pipeline, following Steve’s Affiliate Marketing without the Bulls**t.  Google+ helped me with two things, firstly getting ideas for writing free e-books and email auto responders.  Secondly, I connected with many people who are interested in the niche, whom I could convert into visitors to my affiliate site when it’s done.  In just half day I got over 200 people following me on Google+.

Google Plus Widget For Your Blog

WidgPlus, a third party application for Google+ allows you to create a widget for your Google+ account and you can use the embed code on your blogs or websites. The widget allows you to show your latest Google Plus posts on your blog or site. Therefore its a great opportunity to get in touch with your visitors!
Go to WidgPlus and enter your Google+ ID. It is nothing but the group of numbers present in your profile URL.
Google Plus Widget
Our Google+ profile URL : https://plus.google.com/100622940487046109508/posts
Here this is the ID : 100622940487046109508
Copy and paste yours there and get your widget. 

Google+ limits Viewing to the last 250 posts for any profile

Google+ only lets you view the last 250 posts for any profile including your own. The first screen displays 20 and each time you hit More Google+ displays 10 more posts. But after you do this 23 times. you hit the limit of 250 posts, the More disappears and you cannot see any older posts.

Now, the older posts are still there on Google+ - they are just not easily accessible. The only way you can view them is if you know the URL of the post. This limit is not a bug but appears part of the initial design of G+.

We are not sure if there is an easy workaround or if this limit will be lifted in the future. Given that there is no way to search for your older posts within Google+ right now, this seems to be a big limitation in finding and referring to older posts. 

Please note that the number of actual posts anyone sees seems fixed at 250 but the last visible post may be different for everyone depending on which circles they are in and how many posts were shared with them (public and limited)
The above limit was discovered earlier in this post -https://plus.google.com/107797841320768724118/posts/RNSqcw1k4Fn
and credit to goes to everyone who contributed to the discussion and thanks to +Steve Coles for suggesting this limit. I am reposting this issue as Public since the original post was to Extended Circles only.

I have verified the limit of 250 with my posts as well as those of +Robert Scoble and +Mike Elgan

Not sure if anyone else has noticed this limit earlier - if so please post the URL of the post in the comments.

If you consider this as a problem please do reshare and also report it via feedback.
to Google+.
cc : +Vic Gundotra +Bradley Horowitz

via Arun Shroff 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Google+ Update: Reshare Posts from the Google+ Android App

The newest version of the Google+ Android app (v.1.0.6) is rolling out today, and it features one of our most requested features: reshare posts! Grab the update when it’s available in Android Market :https://market.android.com/details?id=com.google.android.apps.plus

Google+ Update: New "Ignore" Option, and "Block" Explained

Ignore means you'll see less of what a person is sharing (i.e., you're just not interested). Block additionally limits the ways a person can interact with what you're sharing (i.e., you don't want anything to do with them). And in either case, we don't notify the person that you've ignored or blocked them. (Help center articles are
available at http://goo.gl/HQ7AS and http://goo.gl/KNW7L )

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Add Google+ search to Chrome.

1. Open URL: chrome://settings/searchEngines
2. Add new entry with following values:

(Search in posts)
- Column 1: Google+ Posts
- Column 2: post
- Column 3: {google:baseURL}search?q=site:plus.google.com inurl:posts/* %s

(Search for profiles)
- Column 1: Google+ Profiles
- Column 2: profile
- Column 3: {google:baseURL}search?q=%s&tbs=prfl:e

Insert %s in the URL where search terms should appear

Google+ Circle Management Tips

Circles protip #1: Right click on a circle and select "View circle in tab". This is a terrific way to see who's in a circle and allows you to do neat things like drag all the people inside it to another circle.

Circles protip #2: Hover your mouse over a circle with lots of people in it and use your scroll wheel (or 2 fingers on a touch pad). The people inside will rotate around the circle. It's a fun and quick way to see who's in a circle.

Circles protip #3: Do you want to find people who have added you, but you haven't added them back? Go to the "People who've added you" tab and select "Not yet in circles" from the sort menu. All the people not in circles will be listed first.

Circles protip #4: On the circles page, double-click a person to view their profile.

Circles protip #5: If you have more than one row of circles and lots of people, you can drag the divider between between circles and people up to show more circles or down to show more people.

Circles protip #6: You can drag to select multiple people on the circles page. Just start in the white space between people and drag. One easy way to examine or manipulate a set of of people is to make a rough selection and then go to the "Selected" tab and add them to circles from there.

Circles protip #7: As you navigate between tabs on the circles page, you can use the browser's back button to retrace your steps.

Updating your Facebook status via G +

1. Access Facebook.
2. Go to http://facebook.com/mobile
3. Copy your email address unique.
4. Go to page Circles + Google
5. Add the e-mail from Facebook in a new circle.
6. When you want to publish something on Facebook, simply add the circle.

Note: Photos are not uploaded on Facebook

Google+ Hangout Etiquette Tips

- A hangout is a unmoderated video conversation which lets you conversate with others users and that doesn't have an incharge.
- The maximum number of people that can currently participate in a hangout at one time is 10. If the limit exceeds 10, Google+ bot show up a message saying "We're sorry, the hangout looks to be jam-packed already. There is no more room!"
- Anyone participating in hangout can invite more members to join by sharing a post on their wall.
- Anyone participating in the hangout section can mute the other members with a background noice if they feel inconvinient with him/her.
- The video will auto switch to whoever is talking in the conference.
- Clicking on the box will show the person who is currently conversating. Click on it again to toggle back to auto-video change based on who is talking.
- If there is a super-active conversation going on between 2-4 people, others can feel free to text-chat on the side until there is a opening!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Google Plus Limits

I posted an item today that reached what is apparently the maximum number of possible shares on Google+: 1,000 shares!


So now we know the max on comments is 500 and max shares is 1,000. 

The max number of users you can Circle is 5,000, and the max number in any one Circle is also 5,000. 

Is there a maximum number of people who can Circle a person?

Is there a max on +1s? 

Is there a max character count for posts? via Mike Elgan

Search Public Google+ Content

Want to be able to search G+ posts? I'm sure this feature is coming from Google themselves, but until they release it within G+, try this simple utility that works pretty well. I think it's using some basic filters you could apply in Google search yourself, but it makes it easier. Now be careful what you posts in public comments! They're searchable. That's one thing I prefer to G+ over Facebook btw -- I don't really want FB to report back to my friends when I'm making comments in different places all over FB. via Tom Anderson 


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Privacy Enhancement in G+ Profiles

New Privacy Enhancement in G+ Profiles

Google Plus Android App

Real-life sharing rethought for mobile.
Google+ (Google Plus) is still in active development and not yet available to everyone. You need an invitation to sign in.
Google+ for mobile makes sharing the right things with the right people a lot simpler. Huddle lets you send super-fast messages to the people you care about most. With your permission, Instant Upload automatically puts the photos and videos you take into a private album in the cloud, so you can share them anytime, from anywhere. And no matter where you are, the stream lets you stay in the loop about what your friends are sharing and where they’re checking in.

How to manage Google Plus email notifications

 The more you comment and connect on Google Plus, the more email you will get in your inbox.  To adjust email notifications in Google Plus you need to go to your Google Account Settings page by hovering over your profile pic in the top nav and clicking on “Account Settings”.  Click on the Google+ link in the lefthand nav of the Account Overview.  You can also now click on the gear icon in the top nav which I don’t think was there before.
Check your SPAM box for notifications.  I am on Yahoo Mail and it seems like it has a heavy bias towards marking G+ notifications as SPAM.  (Well-played Carole)
Google Plus email notifications Google Plus tips tricks

Make Google Plus Apps

Developers interested in the Google Plus API can sign up for the Google Plus Developer Group. There is a form there. Fill and Submit. They will contact you soon for additional details from you. Make Google Plus Apps. :-)
google plus apps make google plus apps develop google plus apps

Some Useful Chrome Extensions For Google Plus

Chrome Extensions for Google Plus

+Everything:This extension adds the Google+ bar to all websites.
+1 Button: Plus one every page you like with only one click, directly from omnibox, without any annoying popup
Color Bar Changer: Changes color of Google Plus bar to green, pink or blue.Warning!: Unofficial, proceed with caution.
Comment Toggle: Allows you to hide/show comments on Google+
Extended Share for Google Plus: Share Google Plus posts on Facebook & Twitter
-Facebook Friend Exporter: Export your friends’ contact info from Facebook so you can import them into Google+ NOW BLOCKED BY FACEBOOK
Facebook Like for Google Plus: Not exactly sure what this does but here’s the Google Translate version of this Chinese app description “Facebook more praise by praise ? painless transfer of Google Plus , the future of this product will continue to introduce more painless transfer function.”

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Make Circle management Easier

By David Yonge-Mallo

You can make circle management easier by holding down the shift key when you drag people between circles. Doing so preserves your selection.

You probably know that to copy people from circle A to circle B, you open circle A ("View circle in tab"), select the people you want to copy, then drag them to circle B. But if you shift-drag your selection from circle A to circle B, the selection remains intact after it's copied into circle B. You can then click "Remove" to remove them from circle A.

End result: you've moved the selected people from circle A to circle B!


Add Google+ search to Chrome.

By Christian Nennemann 

1. Open URL: chrome://settings/searchEngines
2. Add new entry with following values:

(Search in posts)
- Column 1: Google+ Posts
- Column 2: post
- Column 3: {google:baseURL}search?q=site:
plus.google.com inurl:posts/* %s

(Search for profiles)
- Column 1: Google+ Profiles
- Column 2: profile
- Column 3: {google:baseURL}search?q=%s&tbs=prfl:e

Circles are useful for more than just sharing with others

By David Yonge-Mallo

I have a "Read later" circle and a "Drafts" circle, both of which include only myself.

When I see a post I want to read later, I share it only with my "Read later" circle. Then when I have some time, I open that circle and read through (and delete) the saved posts.

When I have an idea for a post, but no time to write it, I draft a rough version and share it with my "Drafts" circle. I can edit the draft by using "Edit this post" from the dropdown menu. When the post is complete, I just copy it to a new post that I can then share to my circles, after which I delete the draft post.

You can easily extend these ideas to collaborative sharing and editing.

Have fun!


Monday, July 4, 2011

Google+ Cheat Sheet version 2

Google+ Cheat Sheet version 2

Google+ “Pages” Coming For Businesses ~ searchengineland.com

Where are the Google+ company “Pages” for brands, something similar to Facebook’s “Fan Pages?” They’re coming apparently.
Google’s head of Commerce and Local Jeff Huber confirmed what some people were hoping for: the imminent arrival of Google+ pages for entities. This was in a comment on Mike Blumenthal’s blog:
And pre-emptively answering a question — yes, we will have (smb) business profile pages on Google+. I can’t announce a launch date yet, but we want to make them *great*, and we’re coding as fast as we can.
Right now it’s pretty tough to make Google+ work for companies. Danny had some choice words for big G about the challenges of setting up company pages currently. The prompted this response from one of the chief architects of Google+, Bradley Horowitz:
Let me be clear – and I’m sorry if this wasn’t obvious – we are not currently supporting brands, organizations, and non-human entities in the Google+ field trial. While we should have been clearer about this, there are some fields in the registration form (asking for a first name, a last name, an age and a gender) that indicate that.
Supporting these non-human entities is an obviously great feature – we have no allergy to it at all! It’s just not part of the system we are currently testing.
The field trial has limitations that I know are frustrating – ranging from lack of “obvious” features to inability to invite the people you most want to share with… We weren’t kidding when we said this was early and a test… and if the product leads to more frustration than you can bear, then that’s understandable and I promise that you will see fast and meaningful progress… and you can jump back in when we meet your bar for minimum viable functionality.

Read More here. 

Flip Effect

Have you ever noticed a flip effect in your plus account profile picture?

Upload two or more images to your profile photo album and visit your profile and click on your profile image and see the effect.

Subscribe US for more tips & hacks!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Formatting tips for Google+ users

Here are some formatting tips for Google+ users

-To bold your text, add an asterisk (*) before and after content. eg: this will turn bold

- To italic your text, add an underscore (_) before and after content. eg:this will turn italic

- To strike your text, add an hyphen (-) before and after content. eg: this will be striked

-Line Break: Use SHIFT + ENTER

-To tag a user, use + or @ followed by the profile name of the user

Report Technical Issues With Hangouts

If you found some technical issues with Hangouts,  you can report it by hitting the Issues link in the upper right. 

The Google teams highly reccomends its trial users to report any technical issues, if found and thereby you can help them for fixing the issues that are harder to discover in test environments.

hangouts google plus 

Invite Your Friends To Google Plus

You can invite your friends to Google Plus now! Try this simple trick and invite your friends to Google Plus.

You can invite your friends by adding their email ids first into any one of the Circle. And then Post something on Stream by tagging them. ( +Name of your friend) Then your friend will get an email from Google Plus. Following that link will help you join Google Plus. Try it Today! Enjoy Google Plus!
google plus invitation free invitation google plus

Friday, July 1, 2011

Google Plus Tips: Copy one circle into another circle.

Copy one circle into another circle.

1) Go to Circles.
2) Click on a circle.
3) Click "View circle in tab".
4) On the top right click "More actions" -> "Select all".

Then you can drag everyone from one circle into another circle. Thats It!

google plus tips circles news